Top "Algebra" questions

Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the rules of operations and relations, and the constructions and concepts arising from them.

Draw equidistant points on a spiral

I need an algorithm to calculate the distribution of points on a spiral path. The input parameters of this algorithm …

algorithm draw algebra spiral
Greatest GCD between some numbers

We've got some nonnegative numbers. We want to find the pair with maximum gcd. actually this maximum is more important …

algorithm math algebra number-theory
Mathematical (Arithmetic) representation of XOR

I have spent the last 5 hours searching for an answer. Even though I have found many answers they have not …

math boolean logic xor algebra
How can I remove a column from a sparse matrix efficiently?

If I am using the sparse.lil_matrix format, how can I remove a column from the matrix easily and …

python matrix numpy scipy algebra
Java/Scala library for algebra, mathematics

Can you advise me some flexible and powerful, yet fast library which could cover SciPy (both in performance and functionality). …

java math scala linear-algebra algebra
C# library for algebra simplification and solving

There are quite a few algebra solvers and simplifiers on the web (for example, the decent one at …

c# algebra symbolic-math computer-algebra-systems
Abstract algebra and Programming

I am going to start learning Abstract Algebra- Groups, Rings,etc. I am interested to know any programming language, if …

computer-science wolfram-mathematica algebra
How to solve Linear Diophantine equations in programming?

I have read about Linear Diophantine equations such as ax+by=c are called diophantine equations and give an integer …

c++ algorithm equation algebra
How could I implement logical implication with bitwise or other efficient code in C?

I want to implement a logical operation that works as efficient as possible. I need this truth table: p q …

c++ c performance logic algebra
How to reflect a line over another line

For a collision algorithm I am developing, I need to find out how to reflect a line over another. Line 1: …

algorithm math reflection linear-algebra algebra