Can't drop in on Echo, but I can call it

ojhurst picture ojhurst · Jun 27, 2017 · Viewed 26.3k times · Source

I'm trying out the new intercom features of the Alexa devices and when I try to drop in I get this message from Alexa:

"to drop in on one of your devices, go to the alexa app, choose your contact name and enable drop in"

the problem is that it already says drop in is turned on for the device.

if I say "call kitchen echo" she says "okay, calling kitchen echo"

(note that even though that seems to work, I've yet to be able to talk through it this way, using the intercom)

is there any difference in intent for calling vs dropping in? or is just two ways of getting her to do the same thing?

Maybe my devices just don't have the latest update on them yet? Is there any way to tell or check for updates.


Tak1983 picture Tak1983 · Jul 13, 2017

People its super vague how to do this but I figured it out. You have to enable drop-in on yourself as a contact. Whih makes no sense.