Top "Alexa-skills-kit" questions

A collection of APIs used for developing new voice-enabled capabilities for Alexa and used in the Amazon Echo and other third party devices.

How can I access a local API using Amazon Alexa

I intend to build a set of skills for Amazon Alexa that will integrate with a custom software suite that …

api aws-lambda alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill
Alexa Custom Slot Type: No value in intent

I've already posted this question to the amazon developer forum but don't receive an answer there. I guess Stackoverflow should've …

alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill alexa-slot
Get unique device id for every amazon echo devices

I need to make a Custom Skill for the Alexa Skills Kit, which should be one echo device in every …

alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill alexa-voice-service alexa-slot
How do I handle 'Yes'/'No' responses from the user in Custom Skill?

I am trying to build an alexa custom skill. I am facing an issue where I am trying to get …

alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill alexa-slot amazon-echo
How are consumed read capacity units calculated in DynamoDB query

I've seen the page on amazon and understand that 1 RCU is a 4KB item. If I have a table with 50 …

amazon-web-services aws-lambda amazon-dynamodb alexa-skills-kit
How to test the amazon alexa custom skill through your computer while in development phase?

I am trying to use the sample code provided for Amazon Alexa API, and trying to run hello world / history …

aws-lambda alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-voice-service amazon-echo
Alexa Skill ARN - The remote endpoint could not be called, or the response it returned was invalid

I've created a simple Lambda function to call a webpage, this works fine when I test it from the functions …

amazon-web-services aws-lambda alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill
How to amazon alexa api for a web or mobile app?

I want to use amazon alexa api for my website/ mobile application. I would like to know if it is …

alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-voice-service alexa-skill amazon-echo