Top "Alert" questions

An alert is usually a notification message to draw one's attention.

Django How to implement alert()(popup message) after complete method in view

I would like to have an alert() message (like in javascript) after method in is complete My method …

django popup alert message
Format the text in JavaScript alert box

How can I format the text in a JavaScript alert box? I need a word in the text to be …

javascript html format alert
Javascript alert position not in center in chrome

When I'm using an javascript alert it's going on top of the browser, not in center position in current version …

javascript google-chrome alert
javascript/jquery: responding to a user clicking "ok" on an alert dialog

my code: alert('Some message'); Question 1: How to execute code that comes after alert() when user finished interacting with alert …

javascript jquery events alert
Javascript: Why sometimes alert() does not work but console.log() does?

From time to time, I face a very intriguing bug. My javascript code does not display an alert(msg) during …

javascript alert console.log
Node.js Alert Causes Crash

I'm trying to create a node.js app and alert('Sample Alert'); is causing my program to crash. Node says …

javascript node.js alert
Android saving Bitmap to SD card

I have a button, and I want when I click on it the image gets saved into the sd card ( …

android image bitmap alert
Javascript Alert - Removing "The page at ??? Says"

I have a form and I am using Javascript to validate the form so if you leave a field blank …

javascript iframe widget embed alert
ruby on rails flash messages - :alert :error :notice and :success?

In several of my controllers, I have redirects/flash messages redirect_to products_url, :notice => "message here", redirect_to …

ruby-on-rails controller message alert
Detect if an alert or confirm is displayed on a page

Is there a way using JavaScript or jQuery to detect if a confirm or alert box is being displayed?

javascript jquery alert