Airflow scheduler does not appear to be running after excute a task

DennisLi picture DennisLi · Aug 27, 2019 · Viewed 22.1k times · Source

When there is a task running, Airflow will pop a notice saying the scheduler does not appear to be running and it kept showing until the task finished:

The scheduler does not appear to be running. Last heartbeat was received 5 minutes ago.

The DAGs list may not update, and new tasks will not be scheduled.

Actually, the scheduler process is running, as I have checked the process. After the task finished, the notice will disappear and everything back to normal.

My task is kind of heavy, may running for couple hours. I appretiate any help. Thanks in advance.


Jarek Potiuk picture Jarek Potiuk · Mar 17, 2020

I think it is expected for Sequential Executor. Sequential Executor runs one thing at a time so it cannot run heartbeat and task at the same time.

Why do you need to use Sequential Executor / Sqlite? The advice to switch to other DB/Executor make perfect sense.