Top "Aggregation" questions

Aggregation is a relationship between two classes that is best described as a "has-a" and "whole/part" relationship.

Elasticsearch: Aggregate results of query

I have an elasticsearch index containing products, which I can query for different search terms. Every product contains a field …

elasticsearch aggregation elasticsearch-aggregation
How to do two nested aggregations in elasticsearch?

City and home type are two nested objects in the following document mapping: "mappings" : { "home_index_doc" : { "properties" : { "city" : { "type" : "…

elasticsearch nested aggregation elasticsearch-5
Elasticsearch aggregation on object

How do I can run an aggregation query only on object property, but get all properties in result? e.g. …

elasticsearch aggregation
Aggregation in ElasticSearch (Nest)

I'm quite new to elasticsearch and I have yet to find a question specifically about this. If it is already …

c# elasticsearch aggregation nest
Elasticsearch count terms ignoring spaces

Using ES 1.2.1 My aggregation { "size": 0, "aggs": { "cities": { "terms": { "field": "city","size": 300000 } } } } The issue is that some city names have spaces …

elasticsearch aggregation analyzer
Performing aggregation through date and time in SQL

I have a data-set which contains observations for several weeks with 2 minutes frequency. I want to increase the time interval …

sql postgresql timestamp aggregation
Pandas: aggregate when column contains numpy arrays

I'm using a pandas DataFrame in which one column contains numpy arrays. When trying to sum that column via aggregation …

python numpy pandas aggregation