Top "Affix" questions

An additional element placed at the beginning or end of something.

Bootstrap data-spy="affix" not working on Angular View change

I'm trying to figure out why my affix-ed panel isn't staying put when I change my Angular view. I've added …

css angularjs twitter-bootstrap affix ng-view
Bootstrap affix not keeping the column layout

When I scroll down in my browser (chrome), the right column is pushed all the way to the left, my …

jquery css twitter-bootstrap affix
Bootstrap affix navbar for single page with scrollspy and page anchors

This is for a single page, with a navbar that links to local anchors only. The navbar comes after a …

single-page-application navbar twitter-bootstrap-3 scrollspy affix
Twitter-bootstrap 3 affixed sidebar overlapping content when window resized and also footer

I am having problems with an overlapping sidebar when I use affix for bootstrap 3 and resize the window. Is there …

html css twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3 affix
Twitter Bootstrap affix events not firing

I'm trying to affix a toolbar when the user scrolls passed it. The affix portion works fine however I want …

javascript jquery css twitter-bootstrap affix
Twitter Bootstrap Affixed Navbar - div below jumps up

Rather hard to describe the problem. So just look at this jsFiddle: When the navbar …

jquery css twitter-bootstrap affix
How to make an Affixed sidebar navigation with fixed width (Bootstrap)

After several searches on the web, I can't find the solution for my needs. So maybe any of you can …

twitter-bootstrap responsive-design fixed-width affix
Getting Affix to work for nav and navbar

I have some html for a layout for a page for a site for software library my research group made. …

html twitter-bootstrap navbar affix
In bootstrap 3.0 affix how to set active class

I have navigation with bootstrap affix and want to change the active li when scrolling. I have tried what ever …

javascript twitter-bootstrap affix