Top "Aes" questions

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a cryptographic block cipher algorithm.

What's wrong with nodejs crypto decipher?

I have the following encrypted data: U2FsdGVkX1+21O5RB08bavFTq7Yq/gChmXrO3f00tvJaT55A5pPvqw0zFVnHSW1o The …

node.js cryptography openssl aes
Swift 5 + kCCDecrypt (CommonCrypto): Failing to decrypt

Trying to write my own encrypt/decrypt functions in Swift 5, based on tons of other similar questions -- and failing …

aes commoncrypto swift5
What is the default IV when encrypting with aes_256_cbc cipher?

I've generated a random 256 bit symmetric key, in a file, to use for encrypting some data using the OpenSSL command …

c++ encryption openssl aes block-cipher
Encrypting (large) files in PHP with openSSL

I'm trying to encrypt (big) files in PHP using AES and have looked into using Mcrypt and OpenSSL, the problem …

php file encryption aes php-openssl
How many characters to create a byte array for my AES method?

I am using the AES methods here: I want …

c# encryption aes rijndaelmanaged
Can i avoid the cipher reinitialization per encrypt/decrypt call when using random salts per encryption?

Edit Actually reinitializing the cipher is not that slow. Creating the key itself is slow because of the iteration count. …

java performance cryptography aes salt
Java AES encryption and decryption with static secret

I have an application that needs to store some secret passwords in a configuration file such as database and ftp …

java encryption aes password-encryption
Is it possible to encrypt data with AES (256 bit) GCM mode in .net framework 4.7?

The MSDN link provides references to concrete AES classes: System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider System.Security.Cryptography.…

.net encryption cryptography aes aes-gcm