What is an effective way to insert ads into web app? Is AdSense suitable?

Serge picture Serge · Oct 3, 2008 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

Since content of web applications is dynamically generated it would appear that AdSense is not going to produce relevant ads.

Is there a way to increase relevancy of the AdSense ads for the web application?

Is it possible to achieve Gmail-like ad functionality at all for third-party applications?

Is there a better ad provider for web apps than Google?


Piotr Pachalko picture Piotr Pachalko · Feb 10, 2009

Sure it is possible to get relevant AdSense ads on dynamic pages. Only because we call some site "dynamic" (= we generate content on-the-fly), it doesn't mean it is not crawlable by AdSense. It all depends on how URLs on your site are constructed, and how you access pages.

Here's simpified sequence of how AdSense publishes ad on some page :

  1. The user inputs some query/klicks link/whatever is necessary to access dynamic page
  2. The browser sends the request to server and gets the page with some dynamic content
  3. AdSense javascript embedded on this page will call AdSense clawler, and request him to visit URL of the page
  4. The crawler gets this URL, grabs the page, analyzes it to match and display relevant ad (in most cases it has already clawled it before, so it brings proper ad from index).

So to get relevant ad, you must make sure AdSense crawler gets the same URL that user opened, and this URL have to lead to the same content. It is possible as long as you avoid:

  • pagew with URLs using session IDs, (eg. www.yoursite.com/index.php?pageid=123&sessionid=64875684756)
  • pages that change content over time, when using same URL
  • pages that need to be logged to, and modify its content to user profile
  • pages that use POST to send forms

    Check this link from google support to read more about it.