Top "Ado" questions

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) is a COM based package for accessing databases such as SQL Server or data sources such as Excel spreadsheets.

When do I need to call CoInitialize() in this scenario?

I'm building a multi-threaded windows service application in Delphi XE2 which uses ADO database components to connect to SQL Server. …

multithreading delphi activex ado delphi-xe2
Read large file line-by-line with ADO Stream?

I want to use ADO Stream to read lines from a local large text file with UTF-8 encoding so I …

asp-classic vbscript ado
Using SQLITE with VB6

I am currently using an MSAccess mdb file for a redistributable app. A while ago I found out about SQLite, …

database sqlite vb6 ado
convert utf-8 to iso-8859-1 in classic asp

My site now works purely in UTF-8, but in order to send an SMS using serverXMLHTTP I need to convert …

asp-classic character-encoding ado serverxmlhttp
Requested operation requires an OLE DB Session object... - Connecting Excel to SQL server via ADO

I'm attempting to take Excel 2003 and connect it to SQL Server 2000 to run a few dynamicly generated SQL Queries which …

sql-server excel vba oledb ado
Difference between ADO and DAO

This is not a question about which is better, but rather a question regarding why they differ functionally. The problem …

excel ms-access vba ado dao
Classic ASP 3.0 Create Array from a Recordset

I'm trying to fix an ASP Classic app and when I try to create an array from a Recordset Object. …

vbscript asp-classic ado
insert full ADO Recordset into existing ACCESS table WITHOUT LOOP

I have a filled ADO recordset in my VBA module. I also have a table in ACCESS that has exactly …

vba ms-access ado recordset
How to check all fields of the recordset from ADO query?

I would like to see if there is a command to show the whole record(row) at once. By now …

vba ado
Getting VB6 ADO application to work in Windows 7

I have inheritted several old VB6 applications that currently cannot be rewritten in .NET. These old applications all use ADO, …

windows-7 vb6 ado