Top "" questions

Covers the Entity Data Model-part of ADO.

Columns of two related database tables in one ASP.NET GridView with EntityDataSource

I have two SQL Server tables with Primary Keys (PK) and a Foreign Key (FK) linking the two tables: 1) Table "… gridview
Entity Framework Not Generating Classes for Tables or Procedures

I'm using the Entity Framework to generate the classes and functions in C# I need to interact with the SQL …

c# sql-server entity-framework
MSDTC issue with transactions in ADO.NET Entity Framework

in our current project we are using ADO.NET Entity Framework as data layer for the application. There are some …

.net transactions msdtc
Entity Framework - CSDL, SSDL, and MSL files

I'm just being picky but I was researching how does Entity Framework generates the DLL from an EDMX file and …

c# visual-studio-2010 entity-framework c#-4.0
Metadata file not found - Data.Entity.Model

Anyone having similar problem, while creating webservices? Compiling transformation: Metadata file 'D:\Program Files\VS2013\Common7\Tools..\IDE\Microsoft.Data.…

entity-framework visual-studio-2013 t4
Your project references the latest version of Entity Framework... - Error

I trying to create an entity data model with Oracle. I am getting this error. I have these installed for …

oracle entity-framework visual-studio
Entity framework: StoreGeneratedPattern="Computed" property

I have a DateTime property. I need this property's default value to be DateTime.Now. And then I found out …

c# sql-server-2005 entity-framework
Entity Framework Migrations Error - Sequence contains no elements

command: add-migration blahblah -verbose error: Sequence contains no elements I did a few things before getting this error. I made …

.net entity-framework ef-code-first edmx
Can SQL Server views have primary and foreign keys?

Is it possible to define primary and foreign keys for database Views in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio? How? I'm …

.net sql-server entity-framework database-design
Using multiple edmx file vs. one large edmx file?

I'm new to the Entity model thing and i'm looking for an advise how to organize my Entity model. should …
