Top "Administrator" questions

An administrator account is a user account on an operating system which allow make changes that can affect other users (including, but not limited to, the creation and restriction of user accounts), change operating system options (including security settings), install software and drivers, access all files.

How to run PowerShell with admin privileges from current folder?

How can I run PowerShell from Context menu (holding the shift key) in current folder with admin privileges? Is there …

windows powershell administrator
Running Program as Administrator at Startup

I have a kiosk app and want to run it at startup. The problem here is that when I put …

c# administrator
Using python to open cmd and automatically enter a password

I've managed to get the cmd being opened by python. However, using runas administrator comes with a password check before …

python cmd subprocess administrator runas
Run Visual Studio as a domain user and administrator under Windows 8.1

I've just upgraded to Windows 8.1. I have a home machine I use for work, I typically run Visual Studio 2012 as …

visual-studio-2012 windows-8 account administrator