Top "Adb" questions

ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a tool that comes with the Android SDK that allows you to control and interface with your Android device.

Refresh Android mediastore using adb

I'm using adb to sync music on an android phone. Essentially, I rm the existing music directory and push replacement …

android adb android-mediascanner
Connect to password protected wifi network using adb shell

I have an Android phone, and the goal is to connect the phone to a password protected wifi network. Steps …

android networking wifi adb access-point
Difference between adb "install" command and "pm install" command?

What's the difference between installing an app using the install command and using the package manager's pm install command? Do …

android adb android-package-managers
How-to set Android device date/time programmatically

BACKGROUND I am working on a project using the Wi-fi only version of the Samsung Galaxy tab (7"). On some of …

android adb galaxy
android - format json string in adb logcat output

For logging purpose, I print out json response string and can see them in android "adb logcat" command. Is there …

android json adb logcat
adb pull file in a specific folder of Pc

I want to save the screenshot created, in a specific folder on my PC. cmd = 'adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/…

android python shell adb pull
How to remove set-device-owner in Android DPM?

I have made an app device owner using ADB, by following this link : How to make my app a device …

android adb device-policy-manager
Why does adb install <same-packagename-always-release> fail?

I know that adb install will not replace an existing package if it's of a different build type (i.e. …

android apk adb
how to install busybox in android using adb

I am trying to install busybox on an android emulator. I downloaded and compiled busybox and have the busybox binary …

android-emulator adb busybox

I get the error mentioned in the title when I run my app on the emulator. While creating it, I …

android adb avd android-sdk-2.1