I've having trouble with package visibility. I have a really simple package and the code is listed below. The error message is shown here:
viterbi.adb:12:14: "Integer_Text_IO" is not visible (more references follow)
viterbi.adb:12:14: non-visible declaration at a-inteio.ads:18
gnatmake: "viterbi.adb" compilation error
The package specification is as follows:
package Viterbi is
procedure Load_N_File(
Filename : in String;
N : in out Integer;
M : in out Integer);
end Viterbi;
The package body is as follows:
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;
package body Viterbi is
procedure Load_N_File(
Filename : in String;
N : in out Integer;
M : in out Integer
) is
N_File : File_Type;
Open( N_File, Mode=>In_File, Name=>Filename );
Get( N_File, N );
Get( N_File, M );
Close( N_File );
end Load_N_File;
end Viterbi;
What in my package body is causing the package to stay hidden? Shouldn't the use clause bring Integer_Text_IO into view?
The code of the package body as provided has a syntax error: the spurious "with" in the "use with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;" clause.
Having fixed that, I then get compilation errors revolving around the inability to resolve File_Type, Open, and Close. Adding a "with" and "use" of Ada.Text_IO gives me a clean compilation.
So the start of the package body looks like:
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
package body Viterbi is
If you're still getting a "can't find Integer_Text_IO" error after fixing these errors, then I'd be suspicious about your development environment, i.e. is everything installed correctly?