DirectoryServices.AccountManagement "old" password still validates after password change

Dirk picture Dirk · Apr 16, 2009 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

After resetting a users password in Active Directory, if the user tries to log in using their old password, the following code validates as True:

Dim up As UserPrincipal = GetAdUser(objContext, arg_strBA, arg_strUsername)

If up IsNot Nothing Then

    Dim valid As Boolean = up.Context.ValidateCredentials(
    up.UserPrincipalName, arg_strPassword, ContextOptions.Negotiate)

    If (valid) Then strReturn = up.SamAccountName

End If

We are resetting the password using the following code:

Dim objUser As New DirectoryEntry(arg_strLDAPPath)

If Not objUser Is Nothing Then
    objUser.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure

    objUser.Invoke("SetPassword", arg_strNewPW)
end if

The password reset works fine and the user can log in with their new password, but their old password should not still validate.

When the above ValidateCredentials works for the old password, we are assigning the credentials to a web service call, which then fails with a "401: Unauthorized" error.

Anyone seen anything like this?


deenaik picture deenaik · Feb 6, 2012

This issue is not related to Code but the culprit over hear is the Active directory...

Please refer for solution...