What's the nicest way to convert a Vector to an Array in Actionscript3?
The normal casting syntax doesn't work:
var myVector:Vector.<Foo> = new Vector();
var myArray:Array = Array(myVector); // calls the top-level function Array()
due to the existance of the Array function. The above results in an array, but it's an array with a single element consisting of the original Vector.
Which leaves the slightly more verbose:
var myArray:Array = new Array();
for each (var elem:Foo in myVector) {
which is fine, I guess, though a bit wordy. Is this the canonical way to do it, or is there a toArray() function hiding somewhere in the standard library?
your approach is the fastest ... if you think it's to verbose, then build a utility function ... :)
To build a utility function, you will probably have to drop the type as follows:
function toArray(iterable:*):Array {
var ret:Array = [];
for each (var elem:Foo in iterable) ret.push(elem);
return ret;