Top "Actioncable" questions

Action Cable is an open source technology shipped to us with Ruby On Rails 5. It uses websockets instead of traditional HTTP protocol and allows 2-way asynchronious data transfer.

How to close connection in Action cable?

How to disconnect a client in Action cable (rails 5)? I would like the user to be completely disconnected (similar to …

ruby-on-rails actioncable
ActionCable - how to display number of connected users?

I'm trying to create a simple chat-like application (planning poker app) with Action Cable. I'm a little bit confused by …

ruby-on-rails websocket actioncable
NGINX configuration for Rails 5 ActionCable with puma

I am using Jelastic for my development environment (not yet in production). My application is running with Unicorn but I …

nginx jelastic ruby-on-rails-5 actioncable