As many other Android Developers I installed Android Studio, but how do I install actionbarsherlock into Android Studio?
Any help? I have no idea where to even start.
I also had a problem getting ActionBarSherlock running. I had an existing project, but it sounds like you simply want ABS From scratch. Here are step by step instructions of what to do :
1) Download ABS here:
2) Extract ABS, you should have a directory in there called "actionbarsherlock". Copy that to your Android Studio workspace. and rename to ActionBarSherlock (changed casing)
-- > I now have my Android Studio Projects under \*documents*\Android Workspace\
As opposed to \Eclipse Workspace\
So you should now have something like :
\*documents*\Android Workspace\ActionBarSherlock\
Along with your main project maybe:
\*documents*\Android Workspace\TestProject\
3) Open Android Studio load your TestProject
then goto File> Import Module..
. Now navigate to ActionBarSherlock under \*documents*\Android Workspace\ActionBarSherlock\
Click Ok and next all the way to finish. It will ask if you want to set a dependancy to the new Module (or at least mine did) click OK
4) What i found at this point is that when compiling I was getting errors in \ActionBarSherlock\test\
complaining about Junit
. I simply deleted the \Test\
directory from my ABS Module under project view. Right click \test\ > Delete...
5) you should now be able to compile without errors :)
Hopefully that helps someone.
Essentially though, I needed to re-download a completely fresh ABS, expunge my old project's ABS (which was probably quite old) then Import Module...
EDIT: This was written a while ago so I'm not sure how relevant it is today, but as Paulo mentions in the comments try these steps, and also have a read of the general import library to ABS thread over here --> How do I add a library project to Android Studio?