Top "Acid" questions

Guaranteed properties of many database systems - This is an acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability.

database atomicity consistency

What is difference between Atomicity and consistency ? it looks to me as both are saying same thing in different word. …

database acid
Are disk sector writes atomic?

Clarified Question: When the OS sends the command to write a sector to disk is it atomic? i.e. Write …

database-design crash acid
MySQL InnoDB: Difference Between `FOR UPDATE` and `LOCK IN SHARE MODE`

What is the exact difference between the two locking read clauses: SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE …

mysql transactions locking innodb acid
Example of a task that a NoSQL database can't handle (if any)

I would like to test the NoSQL world. This is just curiosity, not an absolute need (yet). I have read …

mongodb rdbms acid nosql