Top "Accessibility" questions

Accessibility seeks to make an application or website usable by everyone, including people with disabilities such as visual, auditory, ambulatory, or cognitive impairment.

How to Programmatically Enable/Disable Accessibility Service in Android

I would like to programmatically enable/disable Accessibility Services listed under Settings->Accessibility option. I could start Accessibility Intent …

android service accessibility
How can I add new line/linebreak character in title attribute in HTML

I am using this <a href="#" title="select from 1: this 2: that" > Click here </a> When someone …

html css hover accessibility
Two input fields inside one label

Consider the following: <label>Range from <input name='min_value'/> to <input name='max_value' /&…

html accessibility
Can someone explain the HTML5 aria-* attribute?

I wanted to know what the aria-* attributes are used for. What values can they have, and are they defined …

html accessibility wai-aria
Why WCAG made 3 level "A", "AA" and "AAA"?

What is the purpose of making 3 priority level by WCAG? is it like? If client not paying extra or if …

usability accessibility w3c screen-readers wcag
Android - Set TalkBack accessibility focus to a specific view

When TalkBack is enabled, is there any way to set the accessibility focus manual to a specific view? For instance, …

android accessibility talkback
When to use the disabled attribute vs the aria-disabled attribute for HTML elements?

I'm trying to make a form accessible. Should I make my inputs have both disabled and aria-disabled attributes, or just …

html accessibility wai-aria html-input
Best practice to use aria-label as a selector for styling

I am styling a table that has table cells with (non-interactive) checkmarks in it. The checkmark icons are added via …

css css-selectors accessibility wai-aria
Is there an equivalent to the "alt" attribute for div elements?

Screenreaders will read whatever string is set to the "alt" attribute. The use of this attribute is specifically for image …

javascript html css accessibility screen-readers
Safari ignoring tabindex

I have 2 buttons next to a textbox and another textbox after the 2 buttons. The tabindex for the first textbox is 1000, …

safari accessibility