Top "Abstract-data-type" questions

An abstract data type (ADT) is a specification for a certain class of data structures that have similar behavior; or for certain data types of one or more programming languages that have similar semantics.

Scala: difference between a typeclass and an ADT?

What are the differences between typeclasses and Abstract Data Types? I realize this is a basic thing for Haskell programmers, …

scala haskell typeclass abstract-data-type structural-typing
Efficient linked list in C++?

This document says std::list is inefficient: std::list is an extremely inefficient class that is rarely useful. It performs …

c++ stl linked-list dynamic-memory-allocation abstract-data-type
Why use two stacks to make a queue?

I can see the advantage of using two stacks if an array implementation is used since stacks are more easily …

list abstract-data-type