I have an UPDATE
statement in ABAP which looks like :
UPDATE zicstt099 FROM TABLE lt_zicstt099
The Update is failing every time with sy-subrc eq 4
The database Table ZICSTT099
has three primary keys : WEB_USER_ID
along with MANDT
I am trying to change the EMAIL_ID
value but the same is not getting Updated.
Kindly help.
You cannot change primary key fields using the UPDATE <target> FROM <wa>.
and UPDATE <target> FROM TABLE <itab>.
statements, since they use the primary key to lookup the record(s) they must update.
Use the UPDATE <target> SET <set1> ... WHERE ...
statement instead.
You can find the specifics over here: https://help.sap.com/doc/abapdocu_753_index_htm/7.53/en-US/abapupdate_source.htm#!ABAP_ALTERNATIVE_1@1@