How to return value to user from a Search Help Exit

ekekakos picture ekekakos · Sep 26, 2017 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

I have a Search Help with many fields to be displayed to the user in order to apply values. I want to get 3 fields APOFASI, SKOPOS, KATDANL from the user.

In the CALLCONTROL-STEP = SELECT in the exit FM, I want to get these values in variables and then to make some selects and find another field APOFASISAP. I am trying to pass back to the selection fields of the search help the field APOFASSISAP, but the APOFASI field seems to be blank. The code is:

  TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_apofasisap_tr,
          apofasisap_tr TYPE zglk_sap_afopasi,
         END OF ty_apofasisap_tr.

  DATA: it_apofasisap_tr TYPE TABLE OF ty_apofasisap_tr,
        wa_apofasisap_tr LIKE LINE OF it_apofasisap_tr.

  DATA: lv_apofasi TYPE zglk_kyanr_ap,
        lv_skopos  TYPE zskopos,
        lv_katdanl TYPE zsl_cat_dan,
        lv_apofasisap_arx TYPE zglk_sap_afopasi.        
    lv_apofasi = wa_shlp_selopt-low.
    ls_result-apofasi = ''.
    IF lv_apofasi <> ''.
      wa_shlp_selopt-low = ''.
      MODIFY shlp-selopt FROM wa_shlp_selopt INDEX sy-tabix.

    READ TABLE shlp-selopt INTO wa_shlp_selopt WITH KEY shlpfield = 'SKOPOS'.

    lv_skopos = wa_shlp_selopt-low.

    READ TABLE shlp-selopt INTO wa_shlp_selopt WITH KEY shlpfield = 'KATDANL'.

    lv_katdanl = wa_shlp_selopt-low.

    SELECT SINGLE apofasisap INTO lv_apofasisap_arx
      FROM zsl_glk_apof
      WHERE apofasi = lv_apofasi.

    SELECT * FROM zsl_glk_apof_tr
      WHERE apofasisap_trp = lv_apofasisap_arx.

      wa_apofasisap_tr-apofasisap_tr = zsl_glk_apof_tr-apofasisap_tr.
      APPEND wa_apofasisap_tr TO it_apofasisap_tr.

    wa_shlp_selopt-shlpname  = 'ZAPOF_TROP'.
    wa_shlp_selopt-shlpfield = 'APOFASISAP'.
    wa_shlp_selopt-sign      = 'I'.
    wa_shlp_selopt-option    = 'EQ'.
    wa_shlp_selopt-low       = wa_apofasisap_tr-apofasisap_tr.
    APPEND wa_shlp_selopt TO shlp-selopt.

This code does not replace/add the values to the appropriate fields. Can someone help on this?

PS. Let me add another code that I wrote with the help of internet. It is in the STEP of DISPLAY.

IF callcontrol-step = 'DISP'.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ls_result,
      apofasi LIKE zsl_glk_apof-apofasi,
      apofasidate LIKE zsl_glk_apof-apofasidate,
      apofasisap LIKE zsl_glk_apof-apofasisap,
      apofasi_trp_x LIKE zsl_glk_apof-apofasi_trp_x,
      apofasi_tr_x LIKE zsl_glk_apof-apofasi_tr_x,
      fek LIKE zsl_glk_apof-fek,
      katdanl LIKE zsl_glk_apof-katdanl,
      reference LIKE zsl_glk_apof-reference,
      skopos LIKE zsl_glk_apof-skopos,
      thema LIKE zsl_glk_apof-thema,
      type_desc LIKE zsl_glk_apof-type_desc,
      ya_first LIKE zsl_glk_apof-ya_first,
END OF ls_result.

DATA: lt_result TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ls_result.

CLEAR: lt_result, record_tab, record_tab[].
* Read the value that user gave
READ TABLE shlp-selopt INTO wa_shlp_selopt
                        WITH KEY shlpfield = 'APOFASI'.

lv_apofasi = wa_shlp_selopt-low.

IF lv_apofasi <> ''.

  * Clear this value
  wa_shlp_selopt-low = ''.
  MODIFY shlp-selopt FROM wa_shlp_selopt INDEX sy-tabix.

* Find the number starting APOFASISAP from the APOFASI text
SELECT SINGLE apofasisap INTO lv_apofasisap_arx
  FROM zsl_glk_apof
  WHERE apofasi = lv_apofasi.

IF sy-subrc = 0.

 * Find the APOFASISAPs which changes the starting one and display the 
  SELECT a~apofasi a~apofasidate a~apofasisap
         a~apofasi_tr_x a~apofasi_trp_x
         a~thema a~fek a~reference a~ya_first
    FROM zsl_glk_apof AS a INNER JOIN zsl_glk_apof_tr AS b
                            ON a~apofasisap = b~apofasisap_tr
    WHERE b~apofasisap_trp = lv_apofasisap_arx.

  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *Pass them to display the result.
    *   SOURCE_STRUCTURE         =
        apply_restrictions       = 'X'
         shlp_tab                 = shlp_tab
         record_tab               = record_tab
         source_tab               = lt_result
         shlp                     = shlp
         callcontrol              = callcontrol
        illegal_structure        = 1
        OTHERS                   = 2
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
  FREE lt_result.


It says NO VALUES FOR THIS SELECTION. The table lt_result contains 11 records.

Thanks again.


Suncatcher picture Suncatcher · Sep 26, 2017

I agree with the forespeakers, that provided code is a mess, from which nothing can be figured out.

First of all, use DISP event in SHELP FM exit, not SELECT.

Secondly, you fill the wrong table (or do not show us right filling in the snippet above). In order to pass values back to user you should modify a RECORD_TAB table.

Your code should look something like this (joined selections from zsl_glk_apof and zsl_glk_apof_tr tables):

CHECK callcontrol-step = 'DISP'.
DATA: ls_selopt TYPE ddshselopt.  "loc str for shlp-selopt
DATA: BEGIN OF ls_record.
      INCLUDE STRUCTURE seahlpres.
DATA: END OF ls_record.
DATA: lv_glk_apof_tr TYPE zsl_glk_apof_tr-apofasisap_tr.

LOOP AT shlp-selopt INTO ls_selopt.

* finding SKOPOS and KATDANL values
  CASE ls_selopt-shlpfield.
    lv_skopos = ls_selopt-low.
    lv_katdanl = ls_selopt-low.

  * doing smth

  * finding some stuff from Z-tables
  SELECT SINGLE tr~apofasisap_tr
  FROM zsl_glk_apof AS ap
  JOIN zsl_glk_apof_tr AS tr
   ON ap~apofasisap = tr~apofasisap_trp
  INTO lv_glk_apof_tr
   WHERE ap~apofasi = lv_apofasi.

* modify record_tab with the found value lv_glk_apof_tr
LOOP AT record_tab INTO ls_record.
  ls_record-string+25(5) = lv_glk_apof_tr.  "field shift should be based on your values