Going fullscreen on secondary monitor

user91295 picture user91295 · Apr 15, 2009 · Viewed 27.4k times · Source

How can you program a dotNet Windows (or WPF) Application in order to let it going fullscreen on the secondary monitor?


grantnz picture grantnz · Oct 10, 2011

Extension method to Maximize a window to the secondary monitor (if there is one). Doesn't assume that the secondary monitor is System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens[2];

using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;

namespace ExtendedControls
    static public class WindowExt

        // NB : Best to call this function from the windows Loaded event or after showing the window
        // (otherwise window is just positioned to fill the secondary monitor rather than being maximised).
        public static void MaximizeToSecondaryMonitor(this Window window)
            var secondaryScreen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens.Where(s => !s.Primary).FirstOrDefault();

            if (secondaryScreen != null)
                if (!window.IsLoaded)
                    window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.Manual;

                var workingArea = secondaryScreen.WorkingArea;
                window.Left = workingArea.Left;
                window.Top = workingArea.Top;
                window.Width = workingArea.Width;
                window.Height = workingArea.Height;
                // If window isn't loaded then maxmizing will result in the window displaying on the primary monitor
                if ( window.IsLoaded )
                    window.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;