How to close BalloonTip programmatically?

Lenin Raj Rajasekaran picture Lenin Raj Rajasekaran · Mar 15, 2011 · Viewed 7.7k times · Source

I have a Tray icon in my application. I am showing the balloon tip for 20 seconds, when I am loading something in the background. But, if the background load gets completed early, say in 10 seconds, I would like to hide the balloon tip. Currently the only way to hide the balloon tip is to click the close icon in the balloon tip.

    Public Tray As NotifyIcon
    Tray = New NotifyIcon

    Tray.BalloonTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info
    Tray.BalloonTipText = "Loading"
    Tray.BalloonTipTitle = "Please Wait"
    Tray.ShowBalloonTip(20 * 1000)

Is it possible to hide the balloon tip programmatically before the specified time is reached?


Morvader picture Morvader · Mar 15, 2011

Try this:

Tray.Visible = true;

More info here.

Hope helps!