I'm curious if there's a way to execute a static .DLL method in a new process without having to create an .EXE for it?
AFAIK, this isn't possible with native Win32/64 DLLs. How about .NET DLL assemblies?
UPDATE: I forgot to mention I'm primarily interested in doing this programmatically (from C# code, to be specific).
CONCLUSION: Although no one "dared" to spell it out, the answers all seem to lean towards 'no'. One needs to start a process through one of the conventional ways (EXE, PowerShell, etc.) then convince that process to load the DLL and execute the code within. I guess I was falsely hoping that managed DLLs are capable of more.
Thanks again to everyone who chimed in!
Just start a PowerShell prompt.
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("Name of your dll")
I see you want this from C#
Create the Type using the Assembly Qualified name:
var t = Type.GetType("NameSpace.Type,Name Of Dll");
var m = t.GetMethod("NameOfMethod");
m.Invoke(null, new object[] { params });
This should get you started.
I don't exactly know what you mean by "In a new process", but it should not be to difficult to wrap this into a .exe/.ps1 that you can start with some option on the commandline.
So you do not have to create a new .exe for every DLL you want to invoke.
But if you want to start a new process, you should start a new process, this is typically done by starting a new .EXE.