"The resource cannot be found." error when there is a "dot" at the end of the url

ipek picture ipek · Jan 9, 2009 · Viewed 19.9k times · Source

I'm using ASP .NET MVC Beta and I get the HTTP 404 (The resource cannot be found) error when I use this url which has a "dot" at the end:


If I remove the dot at the end or the dot is somewhere in the middle I don't get the error.

I tried to debug but it I get the error from "System.Web.CachedPathData.GetConfigPathData(String configPath)" before ProcessRequest in MvcHandler.

Is "dot" not allowed at the end of a url? Or is there a way to fix the route definition to handle this url?

For an example: I have a table named Detail1 [Id(integer), Code(string), Description(string)] which has FK relationship with Master1 through it's Id column. Whenever I select a record of Master1, I also select it's Detail1 record to get it's Code field. In order to not to make this join everytime (since usually there isn't only one detail, there are more than one) I choose not to use Id column and I make Code PK of Detail1.

But when I get rid of Id and use Code as PK then my routes also start to work with Code field, like: Detail1\Edit\Code1

This Code can have anything in it or at the end, including DOT. There are cases where I can prohibit a DOT at the end but sometimes it's really meaningfull.

And I'have also seen this post that routes can be very flexible, so I didn't think mine is so weird.

So that's why I do something so non-standard. Any suggestions?

And also why it's so weird to have a DOT at the end of a url?


bkaid picture bkaid · Aug 22, 2010

If you are using .NET 4.0, you can set this flag in the system.web section of your web.config and it will be allowed:

<httpRuntime relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping="true" />

I've tested it and it works. Haack has an explanation of it.