The DateTimeOffset
property I have in this class doesn't get rendered when the data is represented as Xml. What do I need to do to tell the Xml serialization to render that proper as a DateTime
or DateTimeOffset
public class PlayersConnectedViewData
public PlayersConnectedItem[] playersConnected { get; set; }
public class PlayersConnectedItem
public string name { get; set; }
public DateTimeOffset connectedOn { get; set; } // <-- This property fails.
public string server { get; set; }
public string gameType { get; set; }
and some sample data...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<connectedOn />
<gameType>Battlefield 2</gameType>
I'm hoping there might be a way through an Attribute which I can decorate on the property...
Any way to get rid of those two namespaces declared in the root node? Should I?
It's a few years late, but here's the quick and easy way to completely serialize DateTimeOffset
using ISO 8601:
public string lastUpdatedTimeForXml // format: 2011-11-11T15:05:46.4733406+01:00
get { return lastUpdatedTime.ToString("o"); } // o = yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz
set { lastUpdatedTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(value); }
public DateTimeOffset lastUpdatedTime;