There's a way to set the default resource to the data annotations validations?
I don't wanna make something like this:
[Required(ErrorMessage="Name required.", ErrorMessageResourceType=typeof(CustomDataAnnotationsResources)]
public string Name { get; set; }
I would like something like this:
DataAnnotations.DefaultResources = typeof(CustomDataAnnotationsResources);
public string Name { get; set; }
someone gimme a light!
thanks in advance
My real problem was with EF Code First CTP4. CTP5 fix it. Thanks for everyone.
You could try doing this:
Add this class somewhere in your project:
public class ExternalResourceDataAnnotationsValidator : DataAnnotationsModelValidator<ValidationAttribute>
/// <summary>
/// The type of the resource which holds the error messqages
/// </summary>
public static Type ResourceType { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Function to get the ErrorMessageResourceName from the Attribute
/// </summary>
public static Func<ValidationAttribute, string> ResourceNameFunc
get { return _resourceNameFunc; }
set { _resourceNameFunc = value; }
private static Func<ValidationAttribute, string> _resourceNameFunc = attr => attr.GetType().Name;
public ExternalResourceDataAnnotationsValidator(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context, ValidationAttribute attribute)
: base(metadata, context, attribute)
if (Attribute.ErrorMessageResourceType == null)
this.Attribute.ErrorMessageResourceType = ResourceType;
if (Attribute.ErrorMessageResourceName == null)
this.Attribute.ErrorMessageResourceName = ResourceNameFunc(this.Attribute);
and in your global.asax, add the following:
// Add once
ExternalResourceDataAnnotationsValidator.ResourceType = typeof(CustomDataAnnotationsResources);
// Add one line for every attribute you want their ErrorMessageResourceType replaced.
DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.RegisterAdapter(typeof(RangeAttribute), typeof(ExternalResourceDataAnnotationsValidator));
It will look for a property with the same name as the validator type for the error message. You can change that via the ResourceNameFunc property.
EDIT: AFAIK this works from MVC2 onwards, as DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider was introduced in MVC2.