I am writing a VB.NET console application where it takes relative paths and spits out all file names, or an error for invalid input. I am having trouble getting PhysicalPath from relative path
I am in folder C:\Documents and Settings\MehdiAnis.ULTIMATEBANGLA\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\SP_Sol\SP_Proj\bin\Debug
My application, SP.exe
, is also in the same folder.
I run: "SP.exe ..\"
. The output will be a list of all files in the folder "C:\Documents and Settings\MehdiAnis.ULTIMATEBANGLA\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\SP_Sol\SP_Proj\bin"
I run: "SP.exe ..\\..\"
. The output will be a list of all files in the folder "C:\Documents and Settings\MehdiAnis.ULTIMATEBANGLA\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\SP_Sol\SP_Proj"
I run: "SP.exe ..\\..\\..\"
. The output will be a list of all files in the folder "C:\Documents and Settings\MehdiAnis.ULTIMATEBANGLA\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\SP_Sol"
Currently I am handling one relative path, but no more:
If Source.IndexOf("..\") = 0 Then
Dim Sibling As String = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).ToString()())
Source = Source.Replace("..\", Sibling)
End If
How can I easily handle multiple ..\
You're looking for System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(). It should handle any type of relative path.