basicHttpBinding vs wsHttpBinding

Craig Schwarze picture Craig Schwarze · Jan 21, 2010 · Viewed 35.3k times · Source

In a WCF endpoint, what is the difference between basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding? When should each be used?


marc_s picture marc_s · Jan 21, 2010

Ton of material on that out there - just google for "WCF basicHttpBinding wsHttpBinding".

You'll find amongst others:

Very basically:

  • basicHttp is SOAP 1.1, wsHttp is SOAP 1.2 (they're quite different, esp. when it comes to SOAP faults)
  • basic is - very basic. It's compatible with old-style ASMX ASP.NET webservices and just about any other web service stack out there
  • basic is very limited in its security settings
  • wsHttp is an implementation of a gazillion WS-* standards, and offers much more features: security, reliable messaging, transaction support, duplex communications and a whole host more.
  • wsHttp is the much "heavier" and more extensive protocol, less compatible, less nimble