Open Source .Net Reporting Tool

Collin Estes picture Collin Estes · Oct 14, 2008 · Viewed 44.9k times · Source

I am looking for a reporting service/tool for visual Studio. My only restraint is my web server is off limits to me as far as installing ANYTHING. So I need something I can just include in my project.

My users need to be able to export a report to PDF and without being able to use Crystal I am pretty much lost.

Any ideas?


Gulzar Nazim picture Gulzar Nazim · Oct 14, 2008

fyireporting (released under Apache License) is worth a try.

The fyiReporting RDL Project is a powerful report and charting system based on Report Definition Language (RDL). Tabular, free form, matrix, charts are fully supported. Report output may be displayed as HTML, PDF, XML, .Net Control, Web Archive, and to a printer. Libraries exist for use in your ASP.NET, Windows .Net, and command line applications.