MSIEXEC not installing an MSI setup if /QUIET parameter is used to suppress the UI

teenup picture teenup · Jul 17, 2013 · Viewed 14.5k times · Source

I have an MSI installer that was created using Install Shield Limited Edition, I can install it normally by directly running it.

I can also install it using MSIEXEC if I do not use the /QUIET parameter, but if I use the /QUIET parameter, the application does not get installed.

What can be the reason behind it? When I directly run the MSI, it prompts for License Agreement, can this be the reason for it not being installed in silent mode?


Jim picture Jim · Sep 21, 2016

I had this same issue. I know the original question is answered but I thought I would post here for others searching for the answer like me. To do the silent install you have to have administrator privileges. Run command prompt as administrator and it works.