Dynamically set endpoint address in wcf client (with net tcp binding)

Jen picture Jen · Aug 31, 2012 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source

So I'm not overly familiar with WCF and all the stuff I've googled hasn't helped me with how to achieve what I need. Sorry if this is a dumb question :)

Basically there is a server app with services exposed with WCF (net tcp binding). I've written a new console app and I need to call the service. So I can achieve this by adding a dll for the proxy project we have and by adding a bunch of config files (such as WCFClientBindings, WCFClientEndPoints). If I use a defined end point then I can call code like this:

using (var partyProxy = new PartyControllerProxy())
                // execute server method 
                partyProfile = partyProxy.GetLatestPartyProfile(context, parsedParameters.PartyId);

However the app is supposed to be able to call the hostname that is passed in as a command line argument.

So whilst my app works with a defined endpoint:

  binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="DefaultNetTcpBindingConfiguration"

I need to be able to update the localhost hostname to be potentially something else. Am hoping that security doesn't trip me up :)

The examples I've seen seem to instantiate the client/proxy by passing in the "dynamic" binding and address, but our proxy class doesn't accept those. Isn't there a way to update the address of the endpoint (at runtime) before calling the "proxy" class ? The only other examples I've seen have involved instantiating a new ServiceHost - but that doesn't sound very appropriate for the client :)


Edit - OK here's the syntax that seems to work nicely. It's a little different to the answer I accepted, but that approach was the way to go :)

using (ChannelFactory<IPartyController> factory = new ChannelFactory<IPartyController>("IPartyControllerEndpoint"))
            EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress(String.Format("net.tcp://{0}/ServiceInterface/PartyController.svc", parsedParameters.HostName));
            IPartyController channel = factory.CreateChannel(address);

            partyProfile = channel.GetLatestPartyProfile(context, parsedParameters.PartyId);


Brad picture Brad · Aug 31, 2012

You could create a ChannelFactory.

Along with your standard client, WCF WSDLs will also provide an interface class for the client.

EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://dynamic.address.here");
        using (ChannelFactory<IPartyControllerChannel> factory = new ChannelFactory<IPartyControllerChannel>("IPartyControllerEndpoint", address))

            using (IPartyControllerChannel channel = factory.CreateChannel())
                channel.GetLatestPartyProfile(context, parsedParameters.PartyId);