Main Difference Between 3-tier & n-tier Architecture in .NET?

immayankmodi picture immayankmodi · Jul 18, 2012 · Viewed 38.3k times · Source

I have searched Google to find the main difference between 3-tier and n-tier architecture in .net but I have failed to find it out. Several sites said both are the same in nature and some of the sites said there are differences between them.

I want to know the major differences, and which one is better in performance optimization?


Nikola Mitev picture Nikola Mitev · Jul 18, 2012

3-tier architecture is general architecture in software development and it consists of

  • Presentation layer (client browser)

  • Application or Business logic layer

  • Data Layer

n-tier architecture in .Net

enter image description here

The main difference is that n-tier arch got 2 extra layers. Example on data layers one part of developers are SQL developers whose work on DB server (making DB structure, writing Stored procedures and so forth), and .Net developers whose work on consuming that stored procedures and making abstraction ( implementing repository pattern)...

Hope this help you.