Equivalent to C#'s "using" keyword in powershell?

froh42 picture froh42 · Jun 26, 2009 · Viewed 39.9k times · Source

When I use another object in the .net-Framework in C# I can save a lot of typing by using the using directive.

using FooCompany.Bar.Qux.Assembly.With.Ridiculous.Long.Namespace.I.Really.Mean.It;


  var blurb = new Thingamabob();


So is there a way in Powershell to do something similiar? I'm accessing a lot of .net objects and am not happy of having to type

 $blurb = new-object FooCompany.Bar.Qux.Assembly.With.Ridiculous.Long.Namespace.I.Really.Mean.It.Thingamabob;

all the time.


dahlbyk picture dahlbyk · Jun 26, 2009

There's really nothing at the namespace level like that. I often assign commonly used types to variables and then instantiate them:

$thingtype = [FooCompany.Bar.Qux.Assembly.With.Ridiculous.Long.Namespace.I.Really.Mean.It.Thingamabob];
$blurb = New-Object $thingtype.FullName

Probably not worth it if the type won't be used repeatedly, but I believe it's the best you can do.