Top ".net-core" questions

.NET Core is an open-source successor of the .NET Framework.

dotnet ef not found in .NET Core 3

I'm following the docs in order to create an initial migration. When I execute dotnet, I get the help section, …

c# .net-core entity-framework-core .net-core-3.0
How do I add assembly references in Visual Studio Code?

So I've come across a similar issue twice now while working on my first project in C#. When trying to …

c# .net-core visual-studio-code project assembly-references
Add client certificate to .net core Httpclient

I was playing around with .Net Core and building an API that utilizes payment APIs. There's a client certificate that …

c# .net .net-core dotnet-httpclient
How to get an instance of IServiceProvider in .NET Core?

IServiceProvider is an interface with single method: object GetService(Type serviceType); It's used to create instances of types registered in .…

c# .net-core dependency-injection service-provider
Get List<> element position in c# using LINQ

I have a List with numbers, and I'd like to find the position of the minimum (not value) using LINQ …

c# .net linq .net-core position
The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core 2.1. Either target .NET Core 2.0 or lower, or use a .NET SDK that supports .NET Core 2.1

have tried upgrading to the professional version of visual studio 2017 v 15.6.0 (Preview 7.0) and installed aspnetcore-runtime-2.1.0-preview1-final-win-x64 and .net core …

.net .net-core
Calling a SOAP service in .net Core

I´m porting a .net 4.6.2 code to a .net Core project, that calls a SOAP service. In the new code …

c# wcf soap .net-core
.NET Core vs ASP.NET Core

What exactly is the difference between .NET Core and ASP.NET Core? Are they mutually exclusive? I heard ASP.NET … .net-core
How to SetBasePath in ConfigurationBuilder in Core 2.0

How can I set the base path in ConfigurationBuilder in Core 2.0. I have googled and found this question, this from …

c# configuration .net-core
Use Visual Studio 2017 with .Net Core SDK 3.0

How Can I open .Net Core 3.0 project in Visual Studio 2017? I have downloaded the .NET Core 3.0 SDK from…

c# .net-core visual-studio-2017 .net-core-3.0