Top ".net-core" questions

.NET Core is an open-source successor of the .NET Framework.

I'm lost. What happened to ASP.NET MVC 5?

I've been keeping my head down working on various projects and apparently Microsoft has been busy making some big changes … .net .net-core
How to remove previous versions of .NET Core from Linux (CentOS 7.1)

I would like to install the current version Core 1.0. Currently the RC2 version is installed. The instruction on the official … linux .net-core coreclr
Convert .NET Core 2.0 class libraries to .NET Standard

Is there a way to easily convert a class library targeting .NET Core 2.0 to .NET Standard? If I understand it …

.net-core .net-standard
Write to EventLog in .Net Core

I need a way to write to Windows' event viewer in my app that's using dnx. But, the EventLog class …

c# logging .net-core dnx
Why does aspnet core start on port 80 from within Docker?

TL;DR: Why does an aspnet core app run on port 80 from within a Docker image, but 5000 outside a docker … docker .net-core kestrel-http-server
.NET Core equivalent to Thread.Abort

Background I have a Service abstraction. Each service has it own WorkItem. WorkItem able to start with some data. The …

c# multithreading .net-core .net-5 thread-abort
Why isn't there any packages folder in my .NET Core solution's containing folder?

Are packages now cached in a more shared location somewhere or what? My solution folder is devoid of any packages …

nuget .net-core nuget-package-restore
Version Conflict detected for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Install

I am getting the following error when adding an core api to an existing project I am working …

c# .net-core ef-core-2.1
How to set .NET Core in #if statement for compilation

I created a multi-targeted framework project. I use something like this: #if NET40 Console.WriteLine("Hello from .NET Core 4"); #endif …

c# .net-core
How should I inject a DbContext instance into an IHostedService?

Question How should I inject (using the standard dependency injection) a DbContext instance into a IHostedService? What have I tried …

c# .net .net-core