How Do I Configure eTags?

Xarcell picture Xarcell · Nov 4, 2012 · Viewed 17.9k times · Source

Using ySlow, it recommends that I use eTags. I never heard of them before today. The question is now, how do I configure eTags?

I just spent the last 2 hours trying to figure this out. I tried adding various recommended scripts to my .htaccess file, but with no luck. ySlow keeps complaining...

My site is a secure site(https) on a litespeed web server. I seen some say you can't configure eTags on a litespeed web server. Is this true?



Vagari picture Vagari · Sep 12, 2013

Or, I don't know... Properly set them without the piece that makes them unique to a server.

FileETag MTime Size

I understand that it's easier to just tell people to not bother. But there is a lot of misinformation out there about ETags. They're not perfect, but can be handy when configured correctly.